Historical Data


Weather at Humberside Airport

Current Weather from Humberside Airport

The information displayed on this page is from the METAR reports produced by Humberside Airport. Note that there are times when these are not generated.

Weather Report

Coded Weather Report: 2025/01/22 12:20 EGNJ 221220Z 25003KT 1200 BR BKN025 04/04 Q1003

Report issued: 2025/01/22 at 12:20 UTC

Wind: light air from the west (250 degrees) at 3 knots (3 mph, 6 kph, Force 1)
Visibility: 1200 metres
Weather: mist
Cloud: broken at 2500 feet
Temperature: 4 C
Dewpoint: 4 C
Humidity: 100%
Pressure: 1003 hPa